sábado, 6 de julio de 2013

ESTRENO: Tunnel Vision de Justin Timberlake


Nueva temporada (si se le puede llamar así) del blog, y el tema que he elegido para ello trae cola (al menos el videoclip), y ese es:


Sinceramente pensaba que esta era de Justin Timberlake se iba a quedar en nada después de ver lo que fue Suit & Tie. El resto del álbum The 20/20 Experience no me ha terminado de llegar, si acaso Mirrors (que ha sido un exitazo en todo el mundo, normal...), pero aun así ha intentado tirar el último granadazo: Tunnel Vision.

El tema es el más Timbaland de todo el disco, el más comercial (o radio friendly, como se suele decir) y como en casi todas las canciones, no le ha parecido suficiente hacer canciones de una duración normal (3/4 minutos), eso lo hace cualquiera, él alarrrrrga la cosa hasta los 7/8 minutos, haciendo que termines aburriéndote -.-

La canción habla de algo así como de que tras ver a la chica de sus sueños, no puede más que hacer que verla a ella sin parar, y que aunque esté en una habitación llena de gente, todo lo de su alrededor desaparece, como si ella fuese la única que estuviese allí, de ahí supongo que será esa `Visión túnel`.

Parece que no es sólo esa gente de la habitación lo que desaparece, si no que también la ropa de la chica (que en este caso son 3), ya que lo que os vais a hartar de ver en este clip son TETAS!!

Si lo que buscáis es verle carne a Justin ahorraoslo porque sale vestido de la cabeza a los pies.

Pero claro, el tema del escándalo y lo rápido que se sube la gente las manos a la cabeza hace que dos simples tetillas provoquen la censura de un clip que trata simplemente de ser artístico. Sobre las mujeres son proyectadas imágenes, así que la atención no se centra expresamente en los pechis (aunque los ojos se te vayan AHÍ XDD).

El tema de la censura es algo que nunca comprenderé. Vale que el tema violencia sí se censure (aunque a la hora de comer bien que se nos ponen imágenes de atentados con cientos de personas destripadas y eso no se censura), pero ¿el de la sexualidad?

Tampoco estoy diciendo que te pongan porno a las 3 de la tarde, pero... ¿UNAS SIMPLES TETAS? ¿Qué pasa que la gente se ducha o se baña vestida? ¿No ven que tienen otras 2?

Mejor que se preocupen de otras cosas más importantes y más graves como los rateros esos que nos gobiernan o de la violencia.


I know you like it
I know you like it
I know you like it
I know you like it
I know you like it
I know you like it

Don't know why, but girl, I'm feeling close to you
Maybe it's this ocean view, I'm so emotional
And all these thoughts been dancing on my head
For too long, too long, too long!
I wrote a song for you, I wanna sing to you
But every time I'm close to you
The words wanna come out, but I forget
It's so strong, it's so strong, it's so strong!

It might seem like I’m catching something
That’s because it’s true
I can't deny it, and I won't try it
But I think that you know!
I look around and everything I see is beautiful
Cause all I see is you!
And I can't deny it, and I stand by you
And I won't hide it anymore!

A crowded room anywhere
A million people around all I see is you there
And everything just disappears, disappears, disappears, disappears
Yeah, a million people in a crowded room
But my camera lenses only been set to zoom
And it all becomes so clear, comes so clear, becomes so clear!

I got that tunnel vision for you
I got that tunnel vision for you
I got, I got that tunnel vision for you
I got, I got that tunnel vision for you
I only see you!

I got that tunnel vision for you
I got that tunnel vision for you
I got, I got that tunnel vision for you
I got, I got that tunnel vision for you
I only see you!

Now that I know the truth, what am I suppose to do?
Changing up and breaking all my rules ever since we met
I'm so gone, I'm so gone, I'm so gone
Just like the movie shoot, I'm zooming in on you
Everything extra in the background, just fades into the set
As we ride off in the sun

It might seem like I’m catching something
That’s because it’s true
I can't deny it, and I won't try it
But I think that you know!
I look around and everything I see is beautiful
Cause all I see is you!
And I can't deny it, and I stand by you
And I won't hide it anymore!

A crowded room anywhere
A million people around all I see is you there
And everything just disappears, disappears, disappears, disappears
Yeah, a million people in a crowded room
But my camera lenses only been set to zoom
And it all becomes so clear, comes so clear, becomes so clear!

I got that tunnel vision for you
I got that tunnel vision for you
I got, I got that tunnel vision for you
I got, I got that tunnel vision for you
I only see you!

I got that tunnel vision for you
I got that tunnel vision for you
I got, I got that tunnel vision for you
I got, I got that tunnel vision for you
I only see you!

Zoom, zoom, zoom
Zoom, zoom, zoom
In on you, in, in on you!
I only see you!
Zoom, zoom, zoom
Zoom, zoom, zoom
In on you, in, in on you!
I only see you!

I know you lyin'
I know you lyin'
I know you lyin'
I know you lyin'
I know you lyin'
I know you lyin'

A crowded room anywhere
A million people around all I see is you there
And everything just disappears, disappears, disappears, disappears
Yeah, a million people in a crowded room
But my camera lenses only been set to zoom
And it all becomes so clear, comes so clear, becomes so clear!

I got that tunnel vision for you
I got that tunnel vision for you
I got, I got that tunnel vision for you
I got, I got that tunnel vision for you
I only see you!

I got that tunnel vision for you
I got that tunnel vision for you
I got, I got that tunnel vision for you
I got, I got that tunnel vision for you
I only see you!

I know you lyin'
I know you lyin'
I know you lyin'
I know you lyin'
I know you lyin'
I know you lyin'

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